Muslim Girl Names Starting with "M"

# Name Meaning
1 Ma as-sama A noble hearted, generous lady, daughter of al-Muzaffar, had this name; she built a religious school
2 Ma'isah Walking with a proud, swinging gait
3 Maahnoor Glow of Moon
4 Madaniyah Civilised, cultured
5 Madeeha Praiseworty
6 Madhat Praise
7 Madhia Praiseworthy
8 Madia Praiseworthy
9 Madiha Praiseworthy
10 Madihah Praiseworthy
11 Maha Large eyes, moon like
12 Mahasin Beauty
13 Mahbasah A narrator of Hadith
14 Mahdiya Rightly Guided By Allah
15 Maheen Fine or thin texture, feeble voice, Like the moon
16 Maheera Highly skilled, Expert
17 Mahek Fragrance
18 Mahfuzah The protected one
19 Mahirah Adept, Expert
20 Mahjabeen Powerful
21 Mahneera First born of a pair
22 Mahneerah First born of a pair
23 Mahnoor Light of the moon
24 Mahreen Bright and Beautiful as the sun
25 Mahrosh Piece of moon, pleasant
26 Mahrukh Face like a moon, beautiful
27 Mahtob Moonlight
28 Mahum Moon's Light
29 Mahveen Light of the Sun
30 Mahvish Moon-face
31 Mahwish Beautiful like the moon
32 Mahwush As beautiful as the Moon
33 Maida Beautiful
34 Maira Moon
35 Maisarah Wealth, Richness
36 Maisha Pretty
37 Majidah Glorious, noble, respected
38 Makhtooma Name of a female singer of the past
39 Makhtoonah Name of a singer and a beautiful lady of the past
40 Malaika Angel
41 Malaikah Angel
42 Malak Angel
43 Malayeka Angel
44 Maleehah Salty, Graceful, Brownish colour
45 Maliha Beautiful
46 Malika Queen
47 Malikah Queen
48 Malmal Soft
49 Manahel Special flower
50 Manahil Spring of fresh water
51 Manal Attainment, achievement
52 Manar Guiding light (lighthouse)
53 Manfoosah She was the daughter of Abu Yazid bin Abu al-Firwaris; a very pious woman, she wept often for fear of Allah
54 Manha Gift of Allah
55 Manhalah Spring
56 Mansurah Supporter, victorious
57 Maqboolah A noted woman of the past had this name; Maqboolah Hanim
58 Marah Happiness, joy
59 Maram Aspiration
60 Mardhiah One who is loved and respected by all
61 Marhabah Welcome
62 Maria One of the wifes' of the prophet Muhammed (p.b.u.h)
63 Mariam Mother of Isa (Jesus)
64 Maridah A slave girl of Haroon Rashid had this name
65 Mariya Purity
66 Mariyah Oryx, Addax
67 Marjanah Precious stone
68 Marnia Wealthy in every aspect
69 Marwa A mountain in mekkah
70 Maryum Mother of Isa (A.S)
71 Masabeeh Lamps, Lights
72 Mashaal Light, bright
73 Mashal Light
74 Mashel Light
75 Mashoodah Evidenced
76 Masooma Innocent
77 Masoomah Innocent
78 Mastura Protected
79 Masumah Innocent
80 Mateenah Firm, Solid, determined
81 Mawahib Talents
82 Mawara Superior
83 Mawiya Old arabic name
84 Mawiyah The mirror
85 Maya Princess
86 Mayameen The blessed, the brave
87 Mayeda The fruits of heaven, the cloth on which you eat in Heaven, The suraah Mayeda in the Quran
88 Maymunah Auspicious, Blessed
89 Maysa To walk with a proud, swinging gait
90 Maysam The pollen in the flower, honey, sweet
91 Maysoon Beautiful face & body
92 Maysun Of beautiful face and body
93 Mayyadah To walk with a swinging gait
94 Maznah Glorius
95 Mazneen Shining of gold
96 Medina Holy city of Saudi Arabia
97 Meem The Arabic letter 'M' or 'Mim'
98 Meena Light
99 Mehak Fragrance
100 Mehek Smell, fragrance
101 Meher Benevolence
102 Meheroon Charming
103 Meherunissa Benevolent
104 Mehjabeen Beautiful as the moon, beloved person
105 Mehmuda Beautiful garden in medinah
106 Mehnaz Prouded like a moon
107 Mehndi Beautiful colour
108 Mehnoor Light of the moon
109 Mehr Full Moon
110 Mehreen Loving nature
111 Mehriban Kind, Gentle
112 Mehrish Wonderfull smell(mehak)
113 Mehrnaz Kindness and sweetness
114 Mehrunisa Pretty woman
115 Mehvesh Light of the moon
116 Mehvish Bright Star
117 Mehwish Moon, beautiful
118 Memoona Gladful
119 Menaal Special flower of heaven
120 Mersiha The most beautiful
121 Mevish Strong
122 Meymona Good Fortune
123 Mid'haa Appreciate
124 Midhaa Appreciate
125 Midhah Praise
126 Mina Light
127 Minaal To reach your destination
128 Minal Gift, achievement
129 Minnah Mercy, gift from Allah
130 Misba Innocent
131 Misha Beautiful, Pretty
132 Mishall A light, beautiful, pretty
133 Mishel A Light
134 Miskeenah Humble
135 Mobena Cool
136 Mohaddisa Story teller
137 Mohga The light of happiness
138 Mohsina Righteous
139 Momina Faithful, Truly Believing
140 Mona Wish, desire
141 Monera Shinning light, or guiding light
142 Mouna Water
143 Mounia A wish or dream come true
144 Mounira It's shining
145 Muazah She was a narrator of hadith
146 Mubarakah Blessed
147 Mubashirah Bringer of good news
148 Mubassirah One who comments
149 Mubeenah One who makes something clear
150 Muhsinah Charitable and kind
151 Muizza The empowerer, the honourer, the strengthener
152 Mumina Lovely, sweet girl
153 Muna Water
154 Munawar Bright
155 Munazzah Sacred, clean, honest
156 Muneeba Beautiful
157 Muneerah Splendid, bright shine of light, illuminous
158 Munerah Illuminating, Shining
159 Muneza Clean, pure
160 Muniba To consult with Allah, diverted toward Allah
161 Munira Light, sunshine
162 Munisa Gentle, friendly
163 Munize One who brings good luck
164 Muqadaas Holy, Pure
165 Muqbalah Name of a narrator of Hadith
166 Murdiyyah Chosen one
167 Murshidah Guide
168 Musaddiqah One who affirms the Truth
169 Musaykah She narrated hadith from Sayyidina Ayshah
170 Mushira Advisor, Guide
171 Muskaan Smile
172 Muskan Smile, Happy
173 Muslimah Devout believer
174 Mussah She narrated Hadith
175 Mussaret Happiness
176 Musta'eenah One who prays for help
177 Mutahharah Purified, chaste
178 Mutazah A narrator of Hadith
179 Muzaynah Adornment
180 Muznah The cloud that carries the rain
181 Myiesha Lifes blessing
182 Myreen Same as Mahreen
183 Mysha Happy for entire life

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