
Acceptance of Efforts:

Rabbanaa ta-qabbal minnaa 'innaka 'Antas-Samii-'ul-'Aliim
Our Rabb! accept from us. You indeed, You are the all-Hearing, the all-Knowing. (2:127)
While Prophet Ibrahim, along with his son Ismail, was raising the foundation of the House of Ka'aba, they both offered this supplication to Allah (swt) to accept their effort of construction. A perfect supplication, that we should offer whenever we are initiating any project or effort.

Rabbij-'alnii muqii-mas-Salaati wa min zurriyyatii, Rabbanaa wa taqabbal Du-'aaa
My Rabb! make me steadfast in Salat and from my offspring; our Rabb! and accept my prayer. (14:40)

In his old age, Prophet Ibrahim (pbh) was gifted with two sons - Isma'il and Is-haq. As a parent, he supplicated to Allah (swt) to make him steadfast in his salat. He also asked to make his offspring steadfast in their salat. Although we may be offering our salat sincerely, it remains with Allah (swt) to accept our salat. Thus , this supplication begs that Allah (swt) may not reject our salat. If Allah (swt) wills, He will reward us for our attempt in making a salat.

Qulillaa-humma maalikal-mulki tu'til-mulka man tashaaa-'u wa tanzi-'ul-mulka mimman tashaaa'. Wa tu-'izzu man tashaaa-'u wa tuzillu man tashaaa' bi-yadikal-khayr. 'Innaka 'alaa kulli shay-'in Qadeer
Tuulijul-layla fin-nahaari wa tuulijun-nahaara feel layl wa tukhrijul-hayya minal mayyiti wa tukhrijul-mayyita minal hayyi wa tarzuqu man tashaaa-'u bi-gayri hisaab

Say: O Allah! Master of the kingdom! You give the kingdom to whom You please, and You snatch the kingdom from whom You please; and You exalt whom You please and You abase whom You please. In Your hand is all good. Surely You are Possessor of power over all things. You cause the night to merge into the day, and You cause the day to merge into the night; and You bring forth the living out of the dead, and You bring forth the dead out of the living; and You give sustenance to whom You please without reckoning! (3:25-26)
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was instructed to make this supplication in Surah Al-i-Imran. This verse refers to the situation of the Israilites. They had the kingdom, and Allah took it away. Israilites, who were a living nation, are turned into a spiritually dead community. Arabs, who were spiritually at the abyss, are now bustling with life with the message of Islam brought by Muhammad (PBUH). Any student of history will attest that many flourishing nations and kingdoms are in decline now. Allah made them spiritually dead, politically and financially bankrupt, as these people diverted away from the Truth. In our daily situation, when we are at the pit of troubles and devastated morally, spiritually or in worldly affairs, only Allah can bring us back.

'Annii massaniyazzurru wa 'anta 'arhamur-raahimeen

Surely, distress has touched me, and You are the most Merciful of the merciful ones. (21:83)

This prayer was recited by Prophet Ayyub (pbh), as mentioned in Surah Al-Anbiya'. Ayyub(pbh) was going through difficult times due to migration and separation from his people. In the verse(21:84) following this supplication, Allah mentioned that He responded to this supplication, and removed the distress which Ayyub(pbh) had.

Rabbanak-shif 'annal-'azaaba 'innaa mu'-minoon

Our Rabb! remove from us the punishment, surely we are Believers. (44:12)

This supplication is mentioned in Surah Ad-Dukhan. This is mentioned in relation to people who were playing, busy with worldly affairs and were ignoring the message of Allah. When the Day will come with sky covered with smoke (44:10), these people will repent and will make this supplication. In the following verse (44:13), we find the strong advise that we should follow the Rasul while he has already brought the message. This way we can protect ourselves before punishment envelopes us.

Rabbi inni zalamtu nafsi faghfirli

My Rabb! I have indeed done harm to myself, therefore You protect me. (28:16)

This supplication is mentioned in Surah Ad-Qasas. Musa (pbh) was in a city and there were two people fighting - one Israilite and one Egyptian. The Israilite cried out for help and Musa (pbh) struck the Egyptian. The Egyptian person died at this blow. At this incident, Musa (pbh) made this supplication to Allah to protect him from the consequences of a killing.

Rabbi'a-uuzubika min hamazaatish -shayaatiini
Wa 'a-uuzu bika Rabbi 'any-yahzuruun

My Rabb! I take refuge with You -- from the prompting of the Evil-ones;
And I take refuge with You, O Rabb! lest they come up to me. (23:97-98)

Rabbi law shi'-ta 'ahlak-ta hum-minqablu wa 'iyyaay. 'Atuh-liku-naa bimaa fa-'alas-sufahaa-'uminnaa. 'In hiya 'illaa fitna-tuk. Tuzillu bihaa man-tashaa-'u wa tahdil man-tashaa. 'Anta waliyyunaa fagfir lanaa warhamnaa wa 'anta khayrul-gaafiriin.

My Rabb! if You had so wished, You could have destroyed them before this, and me. Will You destroy us on account of what the foolish among us have done? This is nothing but Your trial. You leave in straying thereby whom You please and You guide whom You please. You are our Protector, therefore forgive us and have Mercy on us, for You are the Best of forgivers. (7:155)

Rabbi law shi'-ta 'ahlak-ta hum-minqablu wa 'iyyaay. 'Atuh-liku-naa bimaa fa-'alas-sufahaa-'uminnaa. 'In hiya 'illaa fitna-tuk. Tuzillu bihaa man-tashaa-'u wa tahdil man-tashaa. 'Anta waliyyunaa fagfir lanaa warhamnaa wa 'anta khayrul-gaafiriin.

My Rabb! if You had so wished, You could have destroyed them before this, and me. Will You destroy us on account of what the foolish among us have done? This is nothing but Your trial. You leave in straying thereby whom You please and You guide whom You please. You are our Protector, therefore forgive us and have Mercy on us, for You are the Best of forgivers. (7:155)

Rabbanaa 'akhrijnaa min haazihil qaryatiz-zalimi 'ahluhaa; waj-'al-lanaa mil la-dunka waliy-yanw waj-'al lanaa milla dunka naseeraa

Our Rabb! take us out of this habitat whose people are oppressors, and make for us a protecting-friend from Your presence and make for us a helper from Your presence. (4:75)


Acceptance of Prayers

Rabbij-'alnii muqii-mas-Salaati wa min zurriyyatii, Rabbanaa wa taqabbal Du-'aaa

Meaning: My Rabb! make me steadfast in Salat and from my offspring; our Rabb! and accept my prayer. (14:40) More Details

In his old age, Prophet Ibrahim (pbh) was gifted with two sons - Isma'il and Is-haq. As a parent, he supplicated to Allah (swt) to make him steadfast in his salat. He also asked to make his offspring steadfast in their salat. Although we may be offering our salat sincerely, it remains with Allah (swt) to accept our salat. Thus , this supplication begs that Allah (swt) may not reject our salat. If Allah (swt) wills, He will reward us for our attempt in making a salat.


Against Natural Calamity
Meaning: My Rabb! if You had so wished, You could have destroyed them before this, and me. Will You destroy us on account of what the foolish among us have done? This is nothing but Your trial. You leave in straying thereby whom You please and You guide whom You p More Details


Against Oppressors
Meaning: Our Rabb! take us out of this habitat whose people are oppressors, and make for us a protecting-friend from Your presence and make for us a helper from Your presence. (4:75) More Details

Meaning: Our Rabb! protect me and my parents and the Believers -- on the day when the reckoning is set up. (14:41) More Details

Child / Offspring (1 of 9)
Meaning: My Rabb! give me from Yourself a pure offspring. You are indeed Hearer of prayer. (3:37) More Details


Child / Offspring (2 of 9)
Meaning: My Rabb! do not leave me alone, and You are the Best of the inheritors. (21:89) More Details


Child / Offspring (3 of 9)
Meaning: Our Rabb! and make us both Muslims to You, and from our offspring a nation Muslims to You, and show us our ways of dedication, and turn towards us. You indeed, You are the oft-Returning, most Rewarding. (2:128) More Details


Child / Offspring (4 of 9)
Meaning: My Rabb! surely the bones in me are weakened, and the head flares with hoariness, and my Rabb! never I have been unsuccessful in my prayers to you. And surely I fear my relations after me, and my wife is barren, therefore grant me from Yourself a trustee. More Details


Child / Offspring (5 of 9)
Meaning: Our Rabb! grant us out of our wives and our offspring the joy of eyes, and make us leaders of the reverent. (25:74) More Details


Child / Offspring (6 of 9)
Meaning: My Rabb! make me steadfast in Salat and from my offspring; our Rabb! and accept my prayer. (14:40) More Details


Child / Offspring (7 of 9)
Meaning: My Rabb! rouse me that I may give thanks for your favors with which you have favored upon me and upon my parents, and that I may do good -- which may please you, and do good to me with regard to my offspring. Surely I turn to you, and I am indeed among th More Details


Child / Offspring (8 of 9)
Meaning: If You give us a good one, we shall surely be of the thankful ones! (7:189) More Details


Child / Offspring (9 of 9)
Meaning: My Rabb! grant me one of the doers of good. (37:100) More Details

Dying in Righteousness (1 of 3)
Meaning: More Details


Dying in Righteousness (2 of 3)
Meaning: My Rabb! permit me to give thanks for Your blessing which You have bestowed on me and on my parents, and that I may do good which pleases You, and admit me, with Your mercy, among Your righteous bondsmen. (27:19) More Details


Dying in Righteousness (3 of 3)
Meaning: Our Rabb! pour upon us perseverance, and cause us to die as Muslims. (7:126) More Details

Expressing Gratitude (1 of 3)
Meaning: My Rabb! You have already given me of the kingdom and taught me the interpretation of the narratives; Originator of the heavens and the earth! You are my Protector in this world and the Hereafter. Make me die as a Muslim, and join me with the righteous. ( More Details


Expressing Gratitude (2 of 3)
Meaning: My Rabb! rouse me that I may give thanks for your favors with which you have favored upon me and upon my parents, and that I may do good -- which may please you, and do good to me with regard to my offspring. Surely I turn to you, and I am indeed among th More Details


Expressing Gratitude (3 of 3)
Meaning: My Rabb! permit me to give thanks for Your blessing which You have bestowed on me and on my parents, and that I may do good which pleases You, and admit me, with Your mercy, among Your righteous bondsmen. (27:19) More Details

General in Nature
Meaning: Say: " O Allah! Master of the kingdom! You give the kingdom to whom You please, and You snatch the kingdom from whom You please; and You exalt whom You please and You abase whom You please. In Your hand is all good. Surely You are Possessor of power o More Details


Good of Both Worlds (1 of 2)
Meaning: Our Rabb! give us good in this world, and good in the Hereafter, and save us from the chastisement of the Fire. (2:201) More Details


Good of Both Worlds (2 of 2)
Meaning: And prescribe for us good in this world and in the Hereafter; for we are surely guided towards You. (7:156) More Details

Hellfire: Protection from ...(1 of 5)
Meaning: Our Rabb! protect me and my parents and the Believers -- on the day when the reckoning is set up. (14:41) More Details


Hellfire: Protection from ...(2 of 5)
Meaning: Our Rabb! give us good in this world, and good in the Hereafter, and save us from the chastisement of the Fire. (2:201) More Details


Hellfire: Protection from ...(3 of 5)
Meaning: Our Rabb! You have not created this in vain. Glory be to You! therefore save us from the chastisement of the Fire. (3:190) More Details

Knowledge (1 of 3)
Meaning: My Rabb! increase me in knowledge. (20:114) More Details


Knowledge (2 of 3)
Meaning: My Rabb! grant me wisdom, and join me with the righteous. (26:83) More Details


Knowledge (3 of 3)
Meaning: My Rabb! expand for me my breast, and make my affair easy for me, and release the knot from my tongue, they may understand my speech. (20:25-28) More Details
Orators and Writers
Meaning: My Rabb! expand for me my breast, and make my affair easy for me, and release the knot from my tongue, they may understand my speech. (20:25-28) More Details

Parents (1 of 3)
Meaning: Our Rabb! protect me and my parents and the Believers -- on the day when the reckoning is set up. (14:41) More Details


Parents (2 of 3)
Meaning: My Rabb! rouse me that I may give thanks for your favors with which you have favored upon me and upon my parents, and that I may do good -- which may please you, and do good to me with regard to my offspring. Surely I turn to you, and I am indeed among th More Details


Parents (3 of 3)
Meaning: My Rabb! permit me to give thanks for Your blessing which You have bestowed on me and on my parents, and that I may do good which pleases You, and admit me, with Your mercy, among Your righteous bondsmen. (27:19) More Details

Right Path (1 of 4)
Meaning: My Rabb! grant me wisdom, and join me with the righteous. (26:83) More Details


Right Path (2 of 4)
Meaning: My Rabb! permit me to give thanks for Your blessing which You have bestowed on me and on my parents, and that I may do good which pleases You, and admit me, with Your mercy, among Your righteous bondsmen. (27:19) More Details


Right Path (3 of 4)
Meaning: My Rabb! You have already given me of the kingdom and taught me the interpretation of the narratives; Originator of the heavens and the earth! You are my Protector in this world and the Hereafter. Make me die as a Muslim, and join me with the righteous

Meaning: Surely my Salat and my sacrifice and my living and my dying are for the sake of Allah- Rabb of all the worlds. No partners has He; and thus I am commanded, and I am the foremost of the Muslims. (6:163-164) More Details


Safety in Journey (1 of 2)
Meaning: With the name of Allah be its sailing and its anchoring. Surely my Rabb is indeed Protector, most Rewarding. (11:41) More Details


Safety in Journey (2 of 2)
Meaning: My Rabb! make me land a blessed landing; for You are the Best of the disembarkers. (23:29) More Details


Meaning: My Rabb! You decide with truth. And our Rabb is the Rahman whose help is invoked against what you attribute. (21:112)

Rabbih-kum bil-haqq! Wa rabbunar-rahmanul musta-'aanu 'aala maa tasifoon.

My Rabb! You decide with truth. And our Rabb is the Rahman whose help is invoked against what you attribute. (21:112)

Meaning: My Rabb! You decide with truth. And our Rabb is the Rahman whose help is invoked against what you attribute. (21:112) More Details

Victory against Odds (1 of 4)
Meaning: Our Rabb! pour down upon us perseverance, and make our feet firm, and help us against the unbelieving people.(2:250) More Details


Victory against Odds (2 of 4)
Meaning: Say: " O Allah! Master of the kingdom! You give the kingdom to whom You please, and You snatch the kingdom from whom You please; and You exalt whom You please and You abase whom You please. In Your hand is all good. Surely You are Possessor of power o More Details


Victory against Odds (3 of 4)
Meaning: Our Rabb! protect us against our faults and our extravagance in our affairs, and make firm our feet, and help us against the unbelieving people. (3:146) More Details

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